Investment calculator

Understand the risks and the potential outcome of investments. Try different asset classes, different amounts invested, and durations to see how probable different outcomes are, based on previous performance. This calculator can help you understand how different asset classes and investment perform. This tool can help you with investment risk analysis. Understanding investment risk can help you make a more informed investment decision.

There is no guarentee this investment simulator reflects real world performance. It can however give an indication of the future based historical data for different asset classes.

Your investment plan

Years investing

Starting investment

Investment per month

Your investment


Yearly return (%)

Standard deviation (%)

Sources and more info:1,2

Outcome probabilities based on historical data

(after 10000 simulations)


$ 0 - 154k


$ 154k - 250k


$ 250k - 345k


$ 345k - 440k


$ 440k - 535k


$ 535k - 630k


$ 630k - 726k


$ 726k - 821k


$ 821k - 916k

Total invested: $250,000

Median return: $363,862

Average return: $399,251

Why investing is important

Investing money in the stock market has historically been one of the best ways to get a return on your money. Historically, the longer you invest your money, the lower the risk of losing money is. Before investing it is generally a good idea to pay off high interest debt. If you want, try our debt calculator

Investing periodically and letting compound interest work over a long period of time is a good way to build personal net worth. All investments have risk and you can lose parts of, or your entire initial investment. Only invest what you can afford to lose.


Profits from investing is in most countries considered capital gains and gains are taxable. In several countries and jurisdictions there are types of accounts that have a different, beneficial, tax structure. In USA there are for example 401(k) and Roth IRA accounts.